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Comparing NASA Lean Test results with Long COVID symptoms


Dr Manoj Sivan (LOCOMOTION Co-Chief Investigator) has co-authored a publication comparing findings from the NASA Lean Test (NLT) with Long COVID (LC) symptoms reported on the C19-YRS (a validated LC outcome measure that is being further assessed and validated within LOCOMOTION).

Publication Citation

Isaac RO, Corrado J, Sivan M.
Detecting Orthostatic Intolerance in Long COVID in a Clinic Setting.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 5804.

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Orthostatic Intolerance and the NASA Lean Test

A likely mechanism of LC is dysautonomia, manifesting as orthostatic intolerance (OI). The NLT can detect OI syndromes of Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS) or Orthostatic Hypotension (OH) in a clinic setting.


Data from the NLT and C19-YRS was collected for 100 people with LC and analysed:

  • NLT - Maximum heart rate increase, blood pressure decrease, number of minutes completed, and symptoms experienced during the NLT.
  • C19-YRS - Palpitation and dizziness scores.


NLT and C19-YRS data were compared and the findings were:

  1. No significant difference between reported dizziness or palpitation scores in those with normal NLT and those with abnormal NLT.
  2. A poor correlation between symptom severity score and NLT findings.


Based on the lack of a correlation between palpitations and dizziness reported on the C19-YRS with NLT
findings, the paper recommends using the NLT in all LC patients in a clinic setting, regardless of
presenting LC symptoms.

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