This section of the website overviews our outputs, created as part of the standard scientific process. They are mainly intended for a more scientific audience and consist of:
- Scientific Publications. - Scientific articles that have been produced to share results and knowledge derived from the study.
- Pre-Prints. - Scientific articles that have not yet been peer reviewed.
- Lay Summaries. - A way of communicating scientific publications in ‘plain language’.
- Scientific Presentations. - Presentations, talks, and posters, exhibited at events such as national conferences, to communicate our study findings.
The outputs listed focus specifically on those generated as part of the LOCOMOTION project. However, our investigators have wide-ranging interests in Long COVID and their other relevant publications are highlighted in our News section. You may also like to look at our team members' personal web pages which will highlight their other scientific publications. Additionally, resources specifically for patients are listed in our 'For patients' section.