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LOCOMOTION October 2022 Newsletter


Recruitment to the LOCOMOTION study reached 1437 in October!

Graph showing recruitment to the LOCOMOTION study each month between January 2022 and October 2022.

Workstream (WS) Updates and Upcoming Work:

  • WS 1.1 - Quality Improvement Collaborative (QIC) on Vocational Rehab took place in October. A patient-focused workshop is scheduled for November to prioritise and plan the work in year 2 of the study.
  • WS 2.1 - An amendment has been submitted to the Health Research Authority to open up recruitment to WS2.1 through social media and Participant Identification Centre (PIC) sites. WS2.1 recruitment per site is displayed in the graph below. The graph shows the rate of recruitment has steadily increased as more NHS sites have begun recruiting to the workstream.

Graph showing recruitment to LOCOMOTION WS2.1, with the recruitment displayed for each clinical site.

Website Updates:

  • An impact page has been created to provide examples and evidence of the impact the LOCOMOTION study has had on patients and clinical practice. We have clinician and patient feedback about how participating in the study has been positive. As more publications emerge from the study, we will seek examples of where these have influenced policy and we will display publication metrics (Research Impact).
  • A new lay summary has been created for the website's homepage. This was written in collaboration with our patient partners, and it provides a patient friendly overview of the study and its workstreams.

Patient Advisory Group (PAG) Update:

  • Carried out a patient led audit of the clinic sites.
  • Continued publication writing work with researchers.
  • Working with WS3.2 team to explore impact of Long COVID on patients and healthcare resources.
  • Helped find employers for interviews with the vocational rehabilitation researchers.
  • Attended ‘Vocational Rehabilitation’ QIC meeting.


  • The LOCOMOTION team welcomes Thomas Mulholland to the group. Who has joined the Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust site as a Research Assistant on the study.

October News:

  • The Leeds Long COVID service, a LOCOMOTION NHS site, was named as a finalist for the ‘Improved treatments, therapies and rehabilitation’ Medipex award! (Link to news item)

New Relevant Publications: