With the help of our Patient Advisory Group, we have created a 'lay summary' of our BMJ Practice Pointer - Cognitive dysfunction after covid-19. A lay summary is a brief description of a research article written for a general audience. Cognitive dysfunction after covid-19: Lay Summary The number of people who carry on being ill...
LOCOMOTION is hosting a series of free public webinars to share the findings from our study and give people the opportunity to ask questions about the research and results. The second webinar in this series, chaired by Prof Manoj Sivan, took place on 21st March 2024 and focussed on Inclusive Practice in Long COVID Treatment...
LOCOMOTION is hosting a series of free public webinars to share the findings from our study and give people the opportunity to ask questions about the research and results. The first webinar in this series, chaired by Prof Manoj Sivan and Dr Clare Rayner, took place on 20th February 2024 and focussed on Assessments in...
LOCOMOTION Public Webinars LOCOMOTION is hosting a series of free public webinars in 2024! We'll be sharing our study findings and giving people the opportunity to ask questions about the research! The first webinar has been scheduled and the details are below. Title: Assessments in a Long COVID Clinic Date and Time: Tuesday 20th February...
LOCOMOTION study recruitment reached 2,805 participants in December 2023! News No-Cost Extension The funder of the LOCOMOTION study, National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), have granted the study team a 6-month no-cost extension. This means that the study will now end on 30th June 2024. This additional time will primarily be used for finalising...
Long Covid: How healthcare records are helping us to understand diagnosis and treatments By Dr. Jonathan Clarke, Denys Prociuk, Nikki Smith, and Ruairidh Milne What are we doing? Work is well under way in Workstream (WS) 3.1 of the LOCOMOTION Study, which was one of the studies funded by the NIHR as part of approximately...
Some of the LOCOMOTION Patient Advisory Group (PAG) members are active members of the Long Covid Groups, who form a Core Participant in the UK Covid-19 Inquiry (Long Covid Support, Long Covid SOS, Long Covid Kids, Long Covid Physio). With former Prime Minister Boris Johnson scheduled to provide evidence at the Inquiry on the 6th...
New publication authored by members of the LOCOMOTION team details the development of a Long COVID specific digital Patient Reported Outcome Measure (PROM) platform. This system is used in the LOCOMOTION study to collect PROM data that is used in multiple workstreams within the study, but it is primarily being utilised to validate the Modified...
LOCOMOTION study recruitment reached 2667 participants in October 2023! LOCOMOTION Publications A Long COVID phenotypes systematic/meta-review has been submitted for publication. This review scoped the literature linking Long COVID symptoms with pathophysiology. The writing team conducted a meta-review of 16 systematic reviews and a systematic review of 47 individual studies not included in the systematic...
NHS England recently commissioned members of the LOCOMOTION study team at the University of Leeds and ELAROS digital company (pictured below) to evaluate patient outcomes in a sample of Long COVID services in England. This was conducted using data from the ELAROS Digital Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) C19-YRS platform, from the LOCOMOTION NHS clinical...